- Forside
- Used CMT Fronius TransPuls Synergic 3200 CO-2 welder - 320 amp.
Used CMT Fronius TransPuls Synergic 3200 CO-2 welder - 320 amp.
Varenummer: 13022200_
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VR 7000 CMT.
Størrelse (L x B x H)
1300 x 630 x 1400 mm.
125 kg.
With VR 7000 CMT wire box with pulse and synergic, FK 4000 water cooling unit, CMT welding hose with push/pull and RCU 5000i remote control.
Kontakter hos Sandfeld A/S
Hoved nr. 97 11 92 22
Generel information: info@sandfeld.com
Hans Sandfeld, Maskinkøb & salg
E-mail: hans@sandfeld.com
Direkte nr. 97 11 77 22 - Mobil nr. 20 22 22 70
Bruno Sandfeld, Maskinkøb & salg
E-mail: bruno@sandfeld.com
Direkte nr. 97 11 77 23 - Mobil nr. 20 14 80 22
Kim Borup, Maskinkøb & salg
E-mail: kim@sandfeld.com
Mobil nr. 20 23 06 22
Michael Green, Maskinkøb & salg, reservedele & værktøj
E-mail: michael@sandfeld.com
Direkte nr. 97 11 77 21 - Mobil nr. 40 15 54 51
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Water cooled.
With VR 7000 CMT wire box with pulse and synergic
All our machines are tested and serviced before delivery.