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- Product
- Used Fasti 215 32/04 hydraulic CNC folding machine - 3240 x 4 mm.
Bending capacity
3240 x 4 mm.
Bending angle
3000 mm. Siemens Simatic HMI CNC.
7,5 kW.
Siemens Simatic HMI CNC.
Country of origin
Ca. 7000 kg.
3000 mm. programmable back gauge, With stepless bending speed, High upper tool in segments and hydraulic clamping of upper tool.
Machine in commission from customer, sold directly. Can be inspected under power.
Call for price.
Machine in commission from customer, sold directly. Can be inspected under power.
Call for price.
Contacts at Sandfeld A/S
Main no. +45 97 11 92 22
General information: info@sandfeld.com
Hans Sandfeld, Machine purchase & sale
E-mail: hans@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 97 11 77 22 - Mobile no. 20 22 22 70
Bruno Sandfeld, Machine purchase & sale
E-mail: bruno@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 97 11 77 23 - Mobile no. 20 14 80 22
Kim Borup, Machine purchase & sale
E-mail: kim@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 20 23 06 22
Michael Green, Machine purchase & sale, spare parts & tools
E-mail: michael@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 97 11 77 21 - Mobile no. 40 15 54 51
3000 mm. programable back gauge.
High segmented upper tool with hydraulic clamping.
Can be inspected under power.