Ny Dalian CDS6250B/1000 drejebænk - 250 x 1000 x 82 mm.

Item number: 2019443
request_contact.list_memberships: []
Centre height
250 mm.
Swing over cross slide
290 mm.
Swing in gap Ø
Ø760 mm.
Distance between centers
1000 mm.
82 mm.
Width of bed
394 mm.
Tail stock taper
7,5 kW.
Digital readout
Electronica EL400 (X & Y).
Country of origin
Size (L x W x H)
2600 x 1250 x 1440 mm.
2170 kg.
Med mekanisk kobling, fodbetjent nødstop, ilgang og stænkskærm i fuld længde. Tilbehør: Ø250 mm. centrerpatron, 4-klo, medfølgerbrille, fast brille, vangestop, gevind ur, og hurtigskiftstålholder.

Prisen gælder så længe lager haves.

Contacts at Sandfeld A/S

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General information: info@sandfeld.com

Hans Sandfeld, Machine purchase & sale
E-mail: hans@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 97 11 77 22 - Mobile no. 20 22 22 70

Bruno Sandfeld, Machine purchase & sale
E-mail: bruno@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 97 11 77 23 - Mobile no. 20 14 80 22

Kim Borup, Machine purchase & sale
E-mail: kim@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 20 23 06 22

Michael Green, Machine purchase & sale, spare parts & tools
E-mail: michael@sandfeld.com
Direct no. 97 11 77 21 - Mobile no. 40 15 54 51